I have a great many ideas on how to improve upon the designs and technologies presented in this blog. I seek investors willing to fund and/or assist me with research of these ideas. There are great benefits to them I can assure you. Including free energy generation that is not detrimental to the planet, and perhaps even anti gravity technology. The key is in the knowledge, and the motivation for a better standard of living, not just for the individual, but for all sentient things! Many people learn by example, and when there are benefits and exciting results possible, they learn faster. Just think for a moment, if you had no need for electricity bills, how much this could benefit you and your family. This is merely the tip of the iceberg. Results are perhaps the most important part of investment, as risk comes with any. New technology and sustainable, clean energy promises to be one of the most vast and valued assets available.
Recently I have learned that one must first apply to the current system at hand, before one can begin change for the better. Many speak of it, few act. I seek to be among the few, looking for solutions to problems, for every problem, there is a solution. Some try to make it more complicated then it really needs to be, out of confusion or fear. Others are content with the standard of living, and will resist change for the many. The threshold has arrived, to see, one must be able to see, to learn, one must be able to learn.
Help me to co-create a better standard of living. Great change begins with humble and simple beginnings, I feel I can make a difference to this society I dwell in. If you seek contact or inquiry, please contact me here or email me at: (czar_dia@yahoo.com)
Thank you and have a nice day!